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Community and Service-Driven Safety

UC San Diego is committed to creating a campus safety system that values and prioritizes the needs of each member of the campus community, including those who may be particularly vulnerable to harm. Faculty, students and staff co-create community safety by taking action to address public safety challenges with evidence-based solutions at the grassroots.

Co-Creating Environmental Safety: Corsi-Cubes at UC San Diego

In 2022, more than 200 students, faculty and staff have come together to build Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes (Corsi Cubes), low-cost air filtration systems that support clean indoor air quality across campus. These boxes are placed in classrooms, community spaces, offices and laboratories to effectively capture airborne virus particles, wildfire smoke, pollen, and other pollutants.

Request a Corsi Cube

Faculty and staff can request Corsi-Cube Boxes for campus classrooms, community spaces, lecture halls, labs and offices.

Submit a Request

More About Corsi Cubes

Corsi-Rosenthal at UC San Diego

Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes were originally implemented as part of the Return to Learn “Swiss Cheese Model” to COVID-19 mitigation.

The Corsi Cube Movement

You can find a comprehensive guide to the Corsi-Rosenthal Box Building movement, including Frequently Asked Questions, build guides, video resources in several languages and more at

Many thanks to Dr. Kimberly Prather, Jim Rosenthal, Dr. Richard L. Corsi and each unnamed clean air advocate for their leadership and contributions in advancing community-engaged solutions to environmental safety through indoor air quality.

Transformational Policing Initiative

Since 2019, the UC San Diego Police Department has engaged in the transformational policing initiative to implement a cultural shift that promotes justice and equity, fostering trust, collaborative community relationships and training officers to approach their work as partners in their communities they protect to support positive change through a culturally centered lens.

This includes an awareness of the history of policing and implicit bias training in partnership with the UC San Diego Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Visit the UC San Diego Police Department website to learn more about the resources, policies and procedures associated with transformational policing initiatives.

Additional Resources on Transformational Policing